
Who are you people????

hey there,
thanks for stopping by!
i am very happy with this site, it's a nice way to share my music and it's nice to see that people are listening, so that's the good side of the story...
the other side is that i have no idea who all of you are! blogger is saying (for a couple of months now) that i've had 110 visitors, but the songs & videos are played way more than that. so... if you like... you can leave a comment sometimes, just to let me know you were here, and so that i know that you were here and who you are.
is that fair? if not i'm not offended at all!
greetings keez.

ps. soon you will hear things i've recorded in my new go home studio in the herenstraat! isn't that sweet?

2 opmerkingen:

  1. Hier een vervent luisteraar van je album. groet, Floris

  2. Té grappig dat je maarliefst een reactie op deze post krijgt.. Misschien is de comment knop te klein ofzo. Anyways.. Ik heb ook je liedjes geluisterd en ik vind polish echt vet.. Maarja mij ken je al
